May 19, 2024

Dr. Ajith Chandran Urges Collective Action to Combat India’s Water Crisis on World Water Day 2024

Dr Ajith Chandran, Chair - IET Water Working Group

On the occasion of World Water Day 2024, Dr. Ajith Chandran, Chair of the IET Water Working Group, has emphasized the urgent need for collective action to address India’s pressing water challenges. With a stark reality of water scarcity and deluge plaguing various regions, Dr. Chandran advocates for immediate steps towards water conservation and sustainable management.

Highlighting simple yet effective technologies to reduce water wastage at the household level, Dr. Chandran underscores the importance of adopting water-efficient appliances, low-flow faucets, and high-efficiency toilets. These measures, coupled with smart water meters and leak detection systems, can significantly enhance water conservation efforts on an individual basis.

Moreover, Dr. Chandran emphasizes the role of communities and residential welfare associations (RWAs) in augmenting water conservation initiatives. Recommending the installation of rainwater harvesting tanks, grey-water recycling systems, and permeable pavements, he stresses the significance of local-level actions in replenishing groundwater and mitigating water scarcity.

Addressing the substantial water consumption in agriculture, which accounts for approximately 70% of water usage, Dr. Chandran proposes dietary adjustments to alleviate water-intensive crop production. Encouraging a shift towards pulses, potatoes, and root vegetables with lower water requirements, he advocates for consumer-driven changes to influence farming practices towards sustainability.

Furthermore, Dr. Chandran emphasizes the crucial role of the corporate sector in supporting sustainable solutions to environmental challenges. Calling for innovation and collaboration across sectors, he emphasizes the collective responsibility in ensuring a future where clean water remains accessible for generations to come.

In conclusion, Dr. Ajith Chandran’s message on World Water Day resonates with a call to action, urging individuals, communities, governments, and corporations to unite in safeguarding this precious resource and securing a sustainable water future for India and beyond